Investment - Currency Exchange

Universal Currency Converter
Convert any amount of any currency to any other currency, using up-to-date exchange rates.
World Currency Exchange
Enter currency and amount online and automatically compare the base currency with over 20 major currencies at once.
Currency Converter
Key in the amount you wish to exchange, choose the desired currency and click on the button for conversion.
Classic 164 Currency Converter
Simple conversion program offers exchange rates for most currencies. Find FAQs, updates on the Euro and free newsletter.
Currency Futures & Options Trading
Learn about becoming a currency trader. Free video offer, aptitude and simulation from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
Currency Restrictions
Peruse this handy, alphabetized index of countries around the world and the currency restrictions imposed by each, from Continental Airlines.
Foreign Currency Aptitude Test
Take a brief quiz to find out your foreign currency IQ and help understand how currency fluctuations affect markets and economies.
Olsen & Associates
Leader in forecasting technology for financial markets, especially foreign exchange. Includes exchange rates for 164 currencies.
Pacific Exchange Rate Service
Database and plotting system of current and historic daily exchange rates, and list of world currencies and exchange rate arrangements.
The Euro - One Currency for Europe
Official European Commission offers history and countdown to currency conversion. See links to participating banks and political bodies.
MSN Encarta - Devaluation
Profile explores the definition and processes of international currency exchange as it relates to devaluation. Covers causes and effects.
MSN Encarta - Gresham's Law
Find the definition of the economic theorem that talks about precious metals as it relates to the fluctuations of currency.
Technical Analysis
Technical analysis of major currencies traded in forex market. Covers USD/CHF, USD/DEM, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY charts with different time scales.

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